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"Starting" Livecycle


Former Community Member
hello everybody!

a stupid question: "how can i start lifecycle server?"

the only way i know is run lifecycle configurator everytime i want to use the server. i suppose that it runs by default when i start my windows, but localhost:8001/adminui isn't avaiable

another question: how can import webservices to the server?
10 Replies


Level 1

You have to start up your application server. It's different depending on your operating system. If your're on Unix, you should use initd scripts to start/stop, or if on Windows, start through services manager.

The url to use adminui also depends on your application server's conf.

Al last, what do you mean with importing webservices? What you want to do?


Former Community Member
Thank you Alberto.

I'm trying to integrate Adobe Form Server with Siebel, which needs a webservice to comunicate. Have you any idea how can i do that ?


Former Community Member
Hi ,

I have the same problem,

When I installed I Life Cycle for first time , all is strated.

But after I reboot my computer I can't start again.

I am on WinXP .

I am starting a WebLogic server from

Bea Products->WebWogic Server

but I receive error in Internet Browser


From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:

10.4.5 404 Not Found

The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.

If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 403 (Forbidden) can be used instead. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address.






Former Community Member
when you restart your operating system you must wait a few minutes for weblogic start. could be some seconds or minutes depending your hardware configuration :)<br /><br />try access your weblogic console (http://<host>:7001/console) to check the status of the aplication server and instances deployed.<br /><br />a comumn problem when install weblogic is update the 'path' variable of your classpath. you must remove the last '/' at the end of the line.


Former Community Member
I am strating

but I can't log in .

I am trying with weblogic /weblogic

adobe/root and my pass

also tryig with user of my winXP .

Also if I success to log in what I have to look at ?

If I trying , I receive the same error which mentioned before.


Former Community Member
try weblogic/password<br /><br />when you run the livecycle configurator you define the user/pass for the console.<br /><br />the lifecycle console run at http://<host>:8001/adminui/


Former Community Member
Ok ,

I am login in

but this is a Bea WebLogicServer ,

how to start LifeCycle .


Former Community Member
check if "BEA Weblogic Admin" service is running and just access to <br /><br />http://<host>:8001/adminui<br /><br />in your case should be:<br /><br />


Former Community Member
The service BEA Weblogic Admin is stared .

But , when I am trying to


I can't connect and receive error

Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at


Former Community Member
I found the problem .

The server Life Cycle was not started .

I am going to BEA Weblogic Admin (http://localhost:7001/console) and started the server LCServer1 .

Now All is OK .