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"Link Appearance" in Acrobat 7.0 PDF generator


Former Community Member
Under Acrobat 5.0 PDFmaker in MS Word you can set some display options for the generates PDF file. Options like showing default bookmarks panel, visible rectangles around links and make these rectangle blue/solid.

Where can i find these options in Acrobat 7.0 PDFGenerator? Under the job options in Livecycle i do not see the same options (only the bookmark panel, page layout and page number option are equal in 7.0).

Also settings for gererating bookmarks and annotations/notes are not there anymore?

What is then the best way to set for example the "Link Appearance" in Acrobat 7.0 PDF generator or can't these settings be made anymore?

I already tried thinks with epilogue.ps:


[ /PageMode /UseOutlines

/Page 1

/View [/XYZ null null null]



But more then these DOCVIEW settings i can't find?

I also saw that the PDFMWord.dll (having a PDFMakerCreateStructure method for combining 2 PDF's to one!?) used in 5.0 is smaller then in 7.0. This method creates my blue visible rectangles because i can see the differences in the temp PDF's that are used before and after this execution. I also can't find any macro's (PDFMaker.dot) in 7.0, so it's probably a different handling?

So, what is the best way to solve the above issue for 7.0?
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