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Need help with form field


Former Community Member
Like many I'm new to this, I have made an extensive form. I'm able to email it, however when it is viewed it opens up in my dreamweaver on my computer and it's all in xml code.<br />Example:<br />><CheckBox1<br />>1</CheckBox1><CheckBox1<br />>0</CheckBox1><TextField2<br />>est</TextField2><TextField3<br />>test</TextField3><TextField2<br />>test</TextField2><TextField2<br /><br />I had it changed in the xml to read<br /></full_member><checkbox1><br /></assoc_member><checkbox1><br /><br />and so on, I had saved it I thought...<br />I'm I doing this correctly and is there a way you can view it in its full pdf form?
7 Replies


Former Community Member
You are mailing only the data file not the complete PDF. I assume that you merely used the Email submit Button in the My Favorites library. If so that button is pre-configured to only send the data file. There are two ways to solve this problem. <br /><br />1. You can modify the xml source of the template to have the current button send pdf<br /><br />2. Don't use that button but create your own and program it to send PDF.<br /><br />If you are technical in nature the 1st method is easiest, but can also lead to big problems if you do not do it correctly. I will describe how to do both and you can decide.<br /><br />Option1. <br /><br />We will need to make a modification in the xml template source. In the Design View Click on the View menu and activate the XML Source View (if it is not visible already). You will have a new tab between the Design View and the Preview called XML Source). Make sure the email button has focus and then click on the XML Source View. The source for your template will appear and the cursor will be on the field you want to modify (inbetween the field tags). Locate the line <event activity="click">. This describes what will happpen when the user clicks the button. On the very next line is a submit tag. you have it as format="xml". Change the xml to pdf (make sure that it is in quotes). Now click on design view. It may prompt you to save the changes say yes. Now when you run the form it will submit the full pdf.<br /><br />Option2.<br /><br />Delete the button off of your form. In the Standard Object Librray drag and drop a button object onto the form. Make sure that button has focus. Now in the object palette choose the radiobutton option for submit under control type. A new Submit tab will appear next to the field tab. Click on the submit tab. In the submit to URL you can enter the command: mailto: emailaddress@someplace.com. In the Submit As dropdown select PDF. Now you can test your form and it shoudl be emailing a PDF to the named address. The mailto protocol can control the different parts of the email enveleope (i.e CC, subject, body) If you google mailto there are a number of good references that will show you how to construct your mailto command.


Former Community Member
Thanks I'll give it a try.

Is it possible to have the form sent to a database?


Former Community Member
I did the steps you suggested it is still email it in xml<br />even though pdf is selected.<br />Here is the code:<br /> </draw><br /> <field h="6.35mm" name="Button1" w="28.575mm" x="130.175mm" y="123.825mm"><br /> <ui><br /> <button/><br /> </ui><br /> <font typeface="Myriad Pro"/><br /> <caption><br /> <value><br /> <text>Email</text><br /> </value><br /> <para hAlign="center" vAlign="middle"/><br /> <font typeface="Myriad Pro"/><br /> </caption><br /> <border hand="right"><br /> <?templateDesigner StyleID apbx2?><br /> <edge stroke="raised"/><br /> <fill><br /> <color value="212,208,200"/><br /> </fill><br /> <corner/><br /> </border><br /> <bind match="none"/><br /> <event activity="click"><br /> <submit format="pdf" target=" &lt;a href=&quot;mailto: sachsaoffice@yahoo.com?subject=membership form&quot;>E-mail Me&lt;/a> " textEncoding="UTF-16" xdpContent="pdf datasets xfdf"/><br /> </event><br /> </field><br /> <?templateDesigner expand 1?></subform><br /> <proto/><br /> <desc>


Former Community Member
Hmmm ...are you sur eyou save the XML because it works for me .....then I suggest you use the alernate method where you put a regular button and make it submit.


Former Community Member
yes I did save it, and I use both an email button and a regular button

according to the script I sent it looks like is says pdf

However it is still sending the form in xml.

It is saved as a acrobat 7 (static) pdf form.pdf

with general accessibility information (tags)for acrobat



Former Community Member
Can you post your form to livecycle8@gmail.com and I will have a look.


Former Community Member
thanks I finally got it to work.

Should be good to go from here. Thanks for all your help!!!!