Hi Herbert, hi all,
Herbert: have you solved this issue finally?
I'm trying to toggle the pagesize (height) for my 3-page dynamic form and get rid of page breaks while the user fills the form (Same feel as a web page). For printing I would toggle back to A4 pagesize (297mm).
I put this in the click event of a button:
console.println("1. medium.long="+Form.pageSet.Seite1.medium.getAttribute("long"));
Form.pageSet.Seite1.medium.setAttribute("997mm", "long");
console.println("2. medium.long="+Form.pageSet.Seite1.medium.getAttribute("long"));
console.println("3. medium.long="+Form.pageSet.Seite1.medium.getAttribute("long"));
and get this output:
1. medium.long=297mm
2. medium.long=997mm
3. medium.long=297mm
I'am able to modify the pagesize, but nothing happens. If I relayout, pagesize will be like before.
Any hints how I may get this working?