I installed LiveCycle ES Turnkey with JBoss on a fresh install of WinXP Pro and it seemed to work flawlessly. I followed the turnkey install guide and it went without any problems. After the install I opened the LC Administrator Console and logged in with no problems. I changed the passwords and poked around a bit. It sat idle for a few moments and the next time I tried to do anything I get the standard Failed to Connect message as if I were trying to browse the web while not online.
I've tried several things to bring it back to life -- restarting the service (it's 'JBoss for Adobe LiveCycle ES' right? it always fails to stop this service when I try to restart it.), restarting the whole machine, starting the server from run.bat in jboss\bin... nothing works. I have to run the Adobe LiveCycle Configuration Manager again to be able to connect to
http://localhost:8080/. I've done this three times now and every time it's the same thing. It works for several minutes and then dies for seemingly no reason.
I really appreciate any help I can get!