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Designer 8 and a couple of issues/questions


Former Community Member
I am doing my first form and have some questions and problems I would appreciate help with.

1) I have created a form and attempted to make it reader enabled. But now when I try to go to "File" I get an error message saying "An invalid Argument was found" and I can not get to the document preferences etc that live in the ""file" menu. This is also preventing me from removing the password protection I was experimenting with.

2) Is there a way I can enable the form so a person filling it out in Reader can save a copy of the filled out form in addition to printing a copy? If so what do I set to allow that?

3) I have tried to create a one page form that has a unlimited scrolling text box on the bottom. I had thought that the overflow text would scroll and when the form was printed it would print as many pages as needed to print out all the entered text. It does not.

But when Emailed, all of the text is sent.

Is there a way I can cause the overflow text to be printed

It is unfortunate that Acrobat 8 was released before 3rd party manuals and Classroom in a book were published. I am told they won't be available until sometime in January.
15 Replies


Former Community Member
I have an additional issue as well.

I insert the formatted Phone number field into the form. I re-format the field so it uses the display pattern of: '('999')' 999-9999

When I enter the phone numbers when in reader I get a Reader message telling me to not enter the number with a + and so on. If I ignore it... it displays correctly. When I try to print the completed filled out form I get the same Reader message.

Finally, I am using IE7. When I try to switch from Live Cycle to the pdf form I get an error message saying my version of IE does not work. But if I switch back to Live Cycle and try it again... all works well. Seems like a bug.



Former Community Member
Hello Duncan.

1) Does your company have a working version of Reader Extension software? If not you'll need it in order to reader enable forms.

2) Once you have reader extensions up and running, users will be able to save a copy of the filled out form after you've enabled that property in RE.

3) If you save the form as a dynamic form, it should work the way you want it to, allowing extra text to spill over into successive pages.

Also, as to your formatting issue with the phone number, I was unable to recreate it. I placed the phone number field on a blank page, deleted the +1, and it worked fine.




Former Community Member

Thanks for the reply..I have Acrobat 8 professional.

Where do I find Reader Extensions? Is that part of 8 Pro? Or another piece of software.If so, where do I find it.

I did a quick search on Adobe and did not find anything like that listed.



Former Community Member
It's a separate (and expensive) piece of software. I've heard that reader 8 will allow saving of filled forms, but I have no idea if this is true. For some info on reader extensions, there's a forum at

Support/User to User Forums/Adobe LiveCycle Forums




Former Community Member
Acrobat Pro 8 does allow the saving of forms in Reader.

One change from Acrobat 7 to 8: you can't enable a particular "reader extension". You enable all of them, or none of them.


I don't know why you are receiving your error. Sounds like a bug in the software.

You can enable the saving of form data by opening up your form in Adobe Acrobat Pro 8. Then, under Advanced->Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader.



Former Community Member
Mike, i'm curious, does that work with reader 7? Or do we have to wait for reader 8 to come out for the extensions to work?



Former Community Member
I'm 99% sure that will work with Reader 7. I don't think that the "bits" changed from 7 to 8 (otherwise you'd have to change all your Reader enabled forms that were done for 7.)



Former Community Member
I have tried multiple ways of enabling forms so that users could save data and none have worked including the one listed above. Is there something else I should know?


Former Community Member
Hank, what type of fields are in your form? I've had trouble getting list box fields to save.


Former Community Member
Another way to make the forms save-able is to distribute the form...this is an option in Acrobat 8. It will enable the functions for both reader 7 and 8.



Former Community Member
I need help on how to save a filled in form. The form was created from a template in Adobe Acrogat Professional 8.0, have enabled user rights, and in the properties it states that there is "No security". In the document restriction summary it states "changing document" is not allowed,but filling in forms is allowed. HELP--how do I make this document fillable and able to save?



Former Community Member
Hi Aaron,

Are you sure that by using the "Distribute form" functionality provided in Adobe designer 8, the form can be made "Save-able" all the time. The reason I am asking this is, I have created forms in Live cycle designer in 2 ways

1) By converting the existing html doc to pdf.

2) By manually creating a sample form.

In both the process, I used "Distribute Forms" feature to mail the forms to my team members.

In 1) process, my team was able to save the answers, for all controls (textbox, checkbox,radio buttons).

But in process 2) my team was not able to save the answers keyed in for Textbox, check box control. This seemed very weird to me.

When I raised this issue to the Adobe tech support team, they responded to me saying the forms will be made savable only if it is authenticatd via "Reader Extension server" which seems to be not true in our case.

I am not clear on this issue. Can Distribute forms make the forms savable all the time. If Distribute form can make the forms "Savable", why do we need Reader Extension Server?

Any pointers to this will be highly appreciated.


Sreeraam Mohuna.


Former Community Member
I have a question relating to the text box. Can I tie two text boxes together... so that if one is full the person typing will automatically be brought to the overflow box and their typing will not be interrupted?


Former Community Member
jenniwh, yes you can. Put this script into the "Full" event on the first field:


where form1 = form name

subform = subform name

field2 = the name of the field you want to jump into

You will also need to check the "Limit length to visible area" checkbox on the first field so that the form knows when the field is full.

Having said all this, it seems like it would still make more sense to simply make the form dynamic and allow the first field to expand to whatever length is needed. If you do it the way you're describing, you'll still be limited to whatever space you have available in the 2 fields.

If you'd like further assistance you can email me at:



Dave Allen


Former Community Member
I am having a very hard time with the email submit button in Adobe LiveCycle Designer 8.0... How are you able to submit a form using the email submit button and have it email in PDF format instead of HTML/dreamweaver?