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Check for 'null' doesn't work


Former Community Member

We've experienced a problem in Workbench regarding Boolean functions within XPath expressions. We aren't able to check whether a variable is null or not. An example:

>Process variable name:

b xy

>Process variable type:

b String

>Process variable value:

b null

>Xpath evaluation:

b is-null(/process_data/@xy) = true()


b the Xpath evaluation returns false!!

Does anybody see the problem?


4 Replies


Former Community Member
We could find the reason for this problem:

Accessing a process variable using XPath does never return 'null' as value! Assuming the variable xy is 'null' the following XPath statement returns an empty string (""):

> /process_data/@xy

Therefore: use the following Xpath statement to check a string variable for null:

> /process_data/@xy = ""

The is-null() function doens't work for string variables.




Level 2

Doesn't work for document variables too!

/process_data/@document = "" also works..

I know it's a 2 year old thread, but it's still a problem in ES2!


Former Community Member

In my experience the is-null function works for SetValue but not for route conditions. Not sure why. I realize this is an old post, but I just came across it.



Former Community Member
point taken,will look into it and see if we can enhance it for future release
