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How to Add Adobe Analytics SDK for iOS project via Carthage


Level 1


We need to integrate Adobe Analytics SDK into one iOS TV project for event tracking. And Carthage is used to add frameworks into project via scripts. Adobe Analytics libraries can be added via following scripts in yml file. But the problem is, we don't know how to add two required system library and framework - libsqlite3.0.tbd and SystemConfiguration.framework (as described in Core Implementation and Lifecycle ). Is it possible to wrap Adobe Analytics SDK and these two system library and framework into custom framework? Or is there any other way to add system library/framework via Carthage?

      - framework: Frameworks/AdobeLibs/AdobeMobileLibrary_TV.a

        embed: true

      - framework: Frameworks/AdobeLibs/VideoHeartbeat_TV.a

        embed: true


XG Wan


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