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Why AEM is not allowing to create a project further levels apart from /apps folder ?


Level 5

Why AEM is not allowing to create a project further levels other than apps/ folder ?

I want to create a project under " apps/abc/xyz/myproject " where as if i try to create a project by right click on xyz folder it automatically point to create the new project under /apps/ and the content under /content/

Also if i create the project more than one level under apps folder and build project by using maven plugin the JAR file which resides under the " apps/abc/xyz/myproject/install "  is not populating into the Felix console after the package installation.?

does any one have any alternate approaches to achieve this one via package manger to install the jar location. i don't want the jar to upload directly into the felix console. i wanted jar to be installed via package manager.


9 Replies


Level 10

How are you building the project? You using Archetype 10?


Level 10

Also, most projects in AEM is apps/(myproject). What benefit are you trying to achieve going lower folder levels? 


Level 5

smacdonald2008 wrote...

Also, most projects in AEM is apps/(myproject). What benefit are you trying to achieve going lower folder levels? 


Am trying keep my projects together as multi tenant approach, like abc is my top organization and xyz is sub level with in same organization and there further.

also i need to have the folder structure to be created as per the organization rules. Example as below same applicable for the content structure.







Level 5

smacdonald2008 wrote...

How are you building the project? You using Archetype 10?


I am using a custom project structure created and building it by maven, also i have tested this by using Archetype 10 (with below command) where when the command prompt asks for the apps folder name, i have provided it as "test/abc/myproject" then it creates the folder structure successfully, but after that "maven clean install" the created ui.apps package is having the install folder with jar but it is not coming up to the Felix console once installed via package manager.

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.adobe.granite.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=10 -DarchetypeRepository=https://repo.adobe.com/nexus/content/groups/public/




What is the use-case of creating the project inside a Folder? Why do you not want to create like app/xxxxx ?

If you want to categorize the Components, then we can create nested folders for sure and inside them we can create the components.


PS:- I have checked this on 6.1/6.2 both, when we go to crx/de and create a project it will always get created like app/<new-project> 

Thanks and Regards

Kautuk Sahni

Kautuk Sahni


Level 5

kautuksahni wrote...


What is the use-case of creating the project inside a Folder? Why do you not want to create like app/xxxxx ?

If you want to categorize the Components, then we can create nested folders for sure and inside them we can create the components.


PS:- I have checked this on 6.1/6.2 both, when we go to crx/de and create a project it will always get created like app/<new-project> 

Thanks and Regards

Kautuk Sahni


Hi Kautuk Sahni,

As stated earlier 

" Am trying keep my projects together as multi tenant approach, like abc is my top organization and xyz is sub level with in same organization and there further.

also i need to have the folder structure to be created as per the organization rules. Example as below same applicable for the content structure.



 apps/abc/123/anotherproject "


This is pure organization purpose to maintain the hierarchy every where in sync. and also for the future purpose and easy maintenance, also we are going to have some set of reusable components across the websites which can serve some set of common requirements.





Level 10

For your use case - i would follow the way geometrixx apps are structured. This reflects best practice and is the way all AEM docs suggest you organize your apps,

Keep them 1-1 - not 1-many. That is - for each  app - create a separate folder under /apps that represent the app.

Consider geometrixx  sample apps - they are not all located under a single geometrixx folder. 


Level 10


I also agree with as Scott statement. You keep them 1-1 and not 1 to Many. Follow the Geometrixx project for the project structure/creation. 

You should create 1 project per app.

Ratna Kumar.


Level 1

FYI, (4 years later, but..) if anyone else finds this needle in haystack and needs to organize their project in a similar way, due to ... client wants it that way. This should be fixed by adjusting the "Max hierarchy depth of install folders" setting in http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr/org.apache.sling.installer.provider.jcr.impl.JcrInsta... 

The default appears to be 4, which is one less than you need to organize your folders as desired.

Of course, it would be nice if a helpful error or alert directed a user to this setting in the first place..., but that is what enterprise support is for, am I r8?