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Junit test cases for AEM Event Listener


Level 2

Hello Everyone,

I need to write the junit for Event Listener. Attaching the sample code for reference. Could you please suggest the best way of writing the junit for Event Listener.




package myproject.core.listeners;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.jcr.Node;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;

import javax.jcr.Session;
import javax.jcr.observation.Event;
import javax.jcr.observation.EventListener;

import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate;

import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Deactivate;

import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.day.cq.commons.Externalizer;
import myproject.core.service.EmailService;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.sling.api.resource.ResourceResolver;
import org.apache.sling.api.resource.ResourceResolverFactory;
import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext;
import javax.jcr.observation.EventIterator;

@component(immediate = true, service = EventListener.class)

public class UserNotificationListener implements EventListener {

Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
private Session adminSession;

String nodePath = StringUtils.EMPTY;

org.apache.sling.jcr.api.SlingRepository repository;

private ResourceResolverFactory resourceResolverFactory;

Externalizer externalizer;

private transient EmailService emailService;

public void activate(ComponentContext context) throws Exception {
log.info("activating ExampleObservation");
try {
adminSession = repository.loginService("datawrite", null);
this, //handler
Event.PROPERTY_ADDED | Event.NODE_ADDED, //binary combination of event types
"/home/users", //path
true, //is Deep?
null, //uuids filter
null, //nodetypes filter

} catch(RepositoryException e) {
log.error("unable to register session", e);
throw new Exception(e);
public void deactivate() {
if (adminSession != null) {

public void onEvent(EventIterator eventIterator) {
try {
while (eventIterator.hasNext()) {
Event event = eventIterator.nextEvent();
nodePath = event.getPath();
if (nodePath != null && nodePath.contains("email")) {
Node root = adminSession.getRootNode();
String profilepath = nodePath.substring(1, nodePath.lastIndexOf("/"));
log.info("profilepath path : {}", profilepath);
String externalurlprefix = profilepath.substring(0, profilepath.lastIndexOf("/"));
Node user_node = root.getNode(externalurlprefix);
String userName =user_node.getProperty("rep:principalName").getString();
// log.info("user_node userName" + user_node.getProperty("rep:principalName").getString());
// log.info("user_node password" + user_node.getProperty("rep:password").getString());
Node another_node = root.getNode(profilepath);
String emailAddress =another_node.getProperty("email").getString();
log.info("EmailId Node" + another_node.getProperty("email").getString());
ResourceResolver resourceResolver = null;
Map < String,Object > paramMap = new HashMap < String,Object > ();
// paramMap.put(ResourceResolverFactory.SUBSERVICE, "socialService");
paramMap.put(ResourceResolverFactory.SUBSERVICE, "datawrite");
resourceResolver = resourceResolverFactory.getServiceResourceResolver(paramMap);
String myExternalizedUrl = externalizer.authorLink(resourceResolver, "/libs/granite/security/content/v2/usereditor") + ".html/" + externalurlprefix;
Map < String,
String > emailParams = new HashMap < String,
String > ();
emailParams.put("userName", userName);
emailParams.put("recipient", emailAddress);
emailParams.put("emailSubject", "You’ve been invited to join the Intuit Asset Library.");
emailParams.put("message", "You’ve been invited to join the asset library.");
emailParams.put("passwordLinksHTML", myExternalizedUrl);
String recipientEmail = emailService.sendMail(resourceResolver, emailParams, emailAddress);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(recipientEmail)) {
log.info("mail not sent");
} else {
log.info("mail sent successfully");



} catch(Exception e) {
log.error("Error while treating events", e);


1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by

The cleanest way to unit test this is to simply test is an OSGi service using AEM Mocks [1]  (which are a super-set of Sling Mocks/JCR mocks [2]).

You can see how something (of similar complexity, though a servlet) is achieved via this unit test [3]

Basically you'll need to:


1. Create a Unit Test using Mockito and AEM Mocks

2. In the @Before method

  • Define the testing node structure in a JSON file and load it into the mock text context 
  • Mock the AEM Externalizer service (I don't think AEM Mocks provide this, if they do then you don't have to mock it)
  • Register an instance of YOUR emailService as an OSGI service with the mock OSGi context (youll of course have to make sure any referenced OSGi service as satisfied too -- if this sends you down a rabbit hole, you can just mock your own EmailService and register that mock with the mock OSGi context
  • The other @References should be satisfied by AEM Mocks I think (SlingRepository, ResourceResolverFactory)

2. In your test case, injectAndActivate an instance of your EventListener along w/ any OSGi config properties you want to test it with)

3. Then, using the OSGi mock context get that service back using the interface (you can optionally cast the service to your impl class if you want to discretely test methods that arent on the interface).

4. Then you can test the service.


Note that as mentioned on [2] - with JcrMocks "Observation events can be registered but are ignored" - so looks like you'll mock that context when you test onEvent(..).


FWIW I think you'll end up spending some time getting it all mocked up/tested -- you may find that you want to refactor your code to be more testable as well.


[1] https://wcm.io/testing/aem-mock/

[2] https://sling.apache.org/documentation/development/jcr-mock.html

[3] https://github.com/Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/asset-share-commons/blob/develop/core/src/test/java/com/ado...

View solution in original post

3 Replies


Community Advisor

public class UserNotificationListenerTest {

private UserNotificationListener userNotificationListener;

private SlingRepository repository;

public void testActivate() throws Exception {

// get details here for activate
Session session = mock(Session.class);
Workspace workspace = mock(Workspace.class);
ObservationManager observationManager = mock(ObservationManager.class);

when(repository.loginService(JcrSessionService.QUERY_SESSION_SERVICE.getService(), null)).thenReturn(session);


verify(observationManager).addEventListener(userNotificationListener, <<<Event.NODE_ADDED>>>, "/<<PATH>>/", true, null, types, true);


public void testDeactivate() throws Exception {

// get details here for activate
Session session = mock(Session.class);
Workspace workspace = mock(Workspace.class);
ObservationManager observationManager = mock(ObservationManager.class);

when(repository.loginService(JcrSessionService.QUERY_SESSION_SERVICE.getService(), null)).thenReturn(session);



public void testOnEvent() throws Exception {
EventIterator eventIterator = mock(EventIterator.class);

Event event = mock(Event.class);
<<<<< remaining steps >>>>


Correct answer by

The cleanest way to unit test this is to simply test is an OSGi service using AEM Mocks [1]  (which are a super-set of Sling Mocks/JCR mocks [2]).

You can see how something (of similar complexity, though a servlet) is achieved via this unit test [3]

Basically you'll need to:


1. Create a Unit Test using Mockito and AEM Mocks

2. In the @Before method

  • Define the testing node structure in a JSON file and load it into the mock text context 
  • Mock the AEM Externalizer service (I don't think AEM Mocks provide this, if they do then you don't have to mock it)
  • Register an instance of YOUR emailService as an OSGI service with the mock OSGi context (youll of course have to make sure any referenced OSGi service as satisfied too -- if this sends you down a rabbit hole, you can just mock your own EmailService and register that mock with the mock OSGi context
  • The other @References should be satisfied by AEM Mocks I think (SlingRepository, ResourceResolverFactory)

2. In your test case, injectAndActivate an instance of your EventListener along w/ any OSGi config properties you want to test it with)

3. Then, using the OSGi mock context get that service back using the interface (you can optionally cast the service to your impl class if you want to discretely test methods that arent on the interface).

4. Then you can test the service.


Note that as mentioned on [2] - with JcrMocks "Observation events can be registered but are ignored" - so looks like you'll mock that context when you test onEvent(..).


FWIW I think you'll end up spending some time getting it all mocked up/tested -- you may find that you want to refactor your code to be more testable as well.


[1] https://wcm.io/testing/aem-mock/

[2] https://sling.apache.org/documentation/development/jcr-mock.html

[3] https://github.com/Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/asset-share-commons/blob/develop/core/src/test/java/com/ado...


Community Advisor

you can try like this


public class UserNotificationListener implements EventListener {

public class UserNotificationListenerTest {

private UserNotificationListener userNotificationListener;

private SlingRepository repository;

public void testActivate() throws Exception {

// get details here for activate
Session session = mock(Session.class);
Workspace workspace = mock(Workspace.class);
ObservationManager observationManager = mock(ObservationManager.class);

when(repository.loginService(JcrSessionService.QUERY_SESSION_SERVICE.getService(), null)).thenReturn(session);


verify(observationManager).addEventListener(userNotificationListener, <<<Event.NODE_ADDED>>>, "/<<PATH>>/", true, null, types, true);


public void testDeactivate() throws Exception {

// get details here for activate
Session session = mock(Session.class);
Workspace workspace = mock(Workspace.class);
ObservationManager observationManager = mock(ObservationManager.class);

when(repository.loginService(JcrSessionService.QUERY_SESSION_SERVICE.getService(), null)).thenReturn(session);



public void testOnEvent() throws Exception {
EventIterator eventIterator = mock(EventIterator.class);

Event event = mock(Event.class);
<<<<< remaining steps >>>>