Hi Guys,
We encountered the issue after we installed the cq5.6.1 service pack 2
In our environment, if we access the url without dispatcher and it works fine.
Nevertheless, if we access url[1] passed dispatcher and it forwards the url to login page[2] and returned “Authentication Failed”.
access log - - [30/Jun/2015:05:12:55 +0200] "GET /products.html HTTP/1.1" 200 431 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0" - - [30/Jun/2015:05:12:56 +0200] "GET /content/geometrixx/en/toolbar/account/login.html?resource=%2Fcontent%2Fgpu%2Fen_US%2Fproducts.html&$$login$$=%24%24login%24%24&j_reason=User+name+and+password+do+not+match HTTP/1.1" 403 22 "http://usdemo01.grundfos.com/products.html" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0"
dispatcher log
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] checking [/content/gpu/en_US/products.html]
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] cachefile does not exist: /opt/dispatcher/cache/content/gpu/en_US/products.html
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] try to create new cachefile: /opt/dispatcher/cache/content/gpu/en_US/products.html
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] cache-action for [/content/gpu/en_US/products.html]: CREATE
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] Connected to backend rend01 (dkwcmpd01.dmz.grundfos.com:4503)
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] Adding request header: user-agent
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] Adding request header: accept-language
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] Adding request header: accept
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] Adding request header: host
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] Adding request header: cookie
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] Adding request header: iv-user
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] Adding request header: Via
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] Adding request header: X-Forwarded-For
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] Adding request header: Server-Agent
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] Detected: dispatcher must not cache
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] response.status = 200
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] response.headers[Content-Type] = "text/html;charset=UTF-8"
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] response.headers[Date] = "Tue, 30 Jun 2015 03:15:03 GMT"
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] response.headers[Cache-control] = "no-cache"
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] response.headers[Cache-control] = "no-store"
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] response.headers[Expires] = "0"
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23878(139814400415712)] response.headers[Pragma] = "no-cache"
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [I] [23878(139814400415712)] "GET /content/gpu/en_US/products.html" 200 431 7ms
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] Found farm nonssl for usdemo01.grundfos.com:80
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] checking [/content/gpu/en_US/content/geometrixx/en/toolbar/account/login.html]
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] request contains a query string: resource=%2Fcontent%2Fgpu%2Fen_US%2Fproducts.html&$$login$$=%24%24login%24%24&j_reason=User+name+and+password+do+not+match
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] cache-action for [/content/gpu/en_US/content/geometrixx/en/toolbar/account/login.html]: NONE
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] Connected to backend rend01 (dkwcmpd01.dmz.grundfos.com:4503)
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] Adding request header: referer
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] Adding request header: user-agent
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] Adding request header: accept-language
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] Adding request header: accept
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] Adding request header: host
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] Adding request header: cookie
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] Adding request header: iv-user
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] Adding request header: Via
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] Adding request header: X-Forwarded-For
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] Adding request header: Server-Agent
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] response.status = 403
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] response.headers[Content-Type] = "text/plain;charset=UTF-8"
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] response.headers[Date] = "Tue, 30 Jun 2015 03:15:03 GMT"
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [D] [23879(139814400415712)] response.headers[X-Reason] = "Authentication Failed"
[Tue Jun 30 05:15:03 2015] [I] [23879(139814400415712)] "GET /content/gpu/en_US/content/geometrixx/en/toolbar/account/login.html?resource=%2Fcontent%2Fgpu%2Fen_US%2Fproducts.html&$$login$$=%24%24login%24%24&j_reason=User+name+and+password+do+not+match" 403 22 4ms
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Any solution for this . I am also facing the same problem.
Thanks in Advance
This is a bug for sp2. According to investigation by me, see the below bundles.
I restored the 0.0.20 version to 0.0.12 and the issue was resolved.
Best Regards.
If you are facing an issue with a specific version, please reach out to the support team by raising a ticket and check if they have any hotfix for the same.
you can raise a ticket here https://daycare.day.com/home/createaticket.html
HI ,
Any solution for this. I am getting the response.headers[X-Reason] = "Authentication Failed".
Thanks In Advance.