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AEM Quickstart - org.apache.sling.scripting.jsp.jasper.JasperException


Level 1

I've just downloaded the quickstart and followed installation steps, when I visit http://localhost:4502/ I get? Not sure where to go from here.

org.apache.sling.scripting.jsp.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:

An error occurred at line: 267 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to String

264:     }


266:     private String getText(ValueMap cfg, I18n i18n, String name, String defaultText) {

267:         String text = cfg.get(name, String.class);

268:         return text != null ? i18n.getVar(text) : defaultText;

269:     }


An error occurred at line: 282 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater

279:         Resource configRoot = null;

280:         if (configs != null) {

281:             long maxOrder = Long.MIN_VALUE;

282:             for (Iterator<Resource> cfgs = configs.listChildren() ; cfgs.hasNext() ; ) {

283:                 Resource cfg = cfgs.next();

284:                 ValueMap props = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(cfg);

285:                 Long order = props.get("order", Long.class);

An error occurred at line: 285 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to Long

282:             for (Iterator<Resource> cfgs = configs.listChildren() ; cfgs.hasNext() ; ) {

283:                 Resource cfg = cfgs.next();

284:                 ValueMap props = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(cfg);

285:                 Long order = props.get("order", Long.class);

286:                 if (order != null) {

287:                     if (order > maxOrder) {

288:                         configRoot = cfg;

An error occurred at line: 287 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The operator > is undefined for the argument type(s) Long, long

284:                 ValueMap props = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(cfg);

285:                 Long order = props.get("order", Long.class);

286:                 if (order != null) {

287:                     if (order > maxOrder) {

288:                         configRoot = cfg;

289:                         maxOrder = order;

290:                     }

An error occurred at line: 289 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Long to long

286:                 if (order != null) {

287:                     if (order > maxOrder) {

288:                         configRoot = cfg;

289:                         maxOrder = order;

290:                     }

291:                 }

292:             }

An error occurred at line: 343 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The method getRequestSpecificAPI(SlingHttpServletRequest) is undefined for the type ServiceType

340:         i18n = new I18n(slingRequest);

341:     }


343:     final XSSAPI xssAPI = sling.getService(XSSAPI.class).getRequestSpecificAPI(slingRequest);

344:     final UserManagementService userManagementService = sling.getService(UserManagementService.class);

345:     final ValueMap cfg = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(configs);


An error occurred at line: 344 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to UserManagementService

341:     }


343:     final XSSAPI xssAPI = sling.getService(XSSAPI.class).getRequestSpecificAPI(slingRequest);

344:     final UserManagementService userManagementService = sling.getService(UserManagementService.class);

345:     final ValueMap cfg = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(configs);


347:     final String authType = request.getAuthType();

An error occurred at line: 352 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater

349:     final String contextPath = slingRequest.getContextPath();


351:     // used to map readable reason codes to valid reason messages to avoid phishing attacks through j_reason param

352:     Map<String,String> validReasons = new HashMap<String, String>();

353:     validReasons.put(REASON_KEY_INVALID_LOGIN, printProperty(cfg, i18n, xssAPI, "box/invalidLoginText", i18n.get("User name and password do not match")));

354:     validReasons.put(REASON_KEY_SESSION_TIMED_OUT, printProperty(cfg, i18n, xssAPI, "box/sessionTimedOutText", i18n.get("Session timed out, please login again")));

355:     // load custom error types

An error occurred at line: 352 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater

349:     final String contextPath = slingRequest.getContextPath();


351:     // used to map readable reason codes to valid reason messages to avoid phishing attacks through j_reason param

352:     Map<String,String> validReasons = new HashMap<String, String>();

353:     validReasons.put(REASON_KEY_INVALID_LOGIN, printProperty(cfg, i18n, xssAPI, "box/invalidLoginText", i18n.get("User name and password do not match")));

354:     validReasons.put(REASON_KEY_SESSION_TIMED_OUT, printProperty(cfg, i18n, xssAPI, "box/sessionTimedOutText", i18n.get("Session timed out, please login again")));

355:     // load custom error types

An error occurred at line: 358 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater

355:     // load custom error types

356:     Resource errors = resource.getChild("errors");

357:     if (errors != null) {

358:         for (Iterator<Resource> customErrors = errors.listChildren() ; customErrors.hasNext() ; ) {

359:             Resource customError = customErrors.next();

360:             validReasons.put(customError.getName(), printProperty(customError.adaptTo(ValueMap.class), i18n, xssAPI, "/text", i18n.get("Error")));

361:         }

An error occurred at line: 360 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The method printProperty(ValueMap, I18n, XSSAPI, String, String) in the type login_jsp is not applicable for the arguments (AdapterType, I18n, XSSAPI, String, String)

357:     if (errors != null) {

358:         for (Iterator<Resource> customErrors = errors.listChildren() ; customErrors.hasNext() ; ) {

359:             Resource customError = customErrors.next();

360:             validReasons.put(customError.getName(), printProperty(customError.adaptTo(ValueMap.class), i18n, xssAPI, "/text", i18n.get("Error")));

361:         }

362:     }


An error occurred at line: 378 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater

375:         }

376:     }


378:     List<String> selectors = Arrays.asList(slingRequest.getRequestPathInfo().getSelectors());


380:     boolean isLogin = ! selectors.contains(CHANGE_PWD_SELECTOR);

381:     boolean isError = selectors.contains(ERROR_SELECTOR);

An error occurred at line: 391 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to ImsConfigProvider

388:     <meta name="viewport" content="width = device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">

389:     <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1" />


391:     <% ImsConfigProvider imsConfigProvider = sling.getService(ImsConfigProvider.class);

392:         if (imsConfigProvider != null) {

393:             imsLoginUrl = imsConfigProvider.getImsLoginUrl();

394:             %><meta name="granite.login.imsLoginUrl" content="<%= xssAPI.getValidHref(imsLoginUrl) %>"><%

An error occurred at line: 402 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to HtmlLibraryManager

399:     <title><%= printProperty(cfg, i18n, xssAPI, "title", i18n.get("Adobe Experience Cloud")) %></title>

400:     <style type="text/css">

401:         <%

402:             HtmlLibraryManager htmlMgr = sling.getService(HtmlLibraryManager.class);

403:             HtmlLibrary lib = htmlMgr.getLibrary(LibraryType.CSS, "/libs/granite/core/content/login/clientlib");

404:             IOUtils.copy(lib.getInputStream(true), out, "utf-8");

405:         %>

An error occurred at line: 409 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The method getValidHref(String) in the type XSSAPI is not applicable for the arguments (T)

406:     </style>

407:     <ui:includeClientLib categories="coralui3" />

408:     <%

409:         String favicon = xssAPI.getValidHref(cfg.get("favicon", "login/adobe-logo.png"));

410:         favicon = xssAPI.getValidHref(favicon);

411:     %>

412:     <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<%= favicon %>" type="image/png">

An error occurred at line: 444 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The method getVar(String) in the type I18n is not applicable for the arguments (T)

441:             </div>

442:             <p>

443:                 <%= printProperty(cfg, i18n, xssAPI, "box/text", i18n.get("All the tools you need to solve these complex digital business challenges.")) %>

444:                 <a class="coral-Link" id="learnmore" href="<%= xssAPI.getValidHref(i18n.getVar(cfg.get("box/learnMore/href", "#"))) %>" x-cq-linkchecker="skip"><%= printProperty(cfg, i18n, xssAPI, "box/learnMore/text", i18n.get("Learn More")) %></a>

445:             </p>

446:         </div>


An error occurred at line: 472 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The method get(String, Class) in the type ValueMap is not applicable for the arguments (String, boolean)

469:                                 <coral-alert-content><%= reason %></coral-alert-content>

470:                             </coral-alert>

471:                             <% } else { %>

472:                             <% String autocomplete = cfg.get("box/autocomplete", false) ? "on" : "off" ; %>

473:                             <form class="coral-Form coral-Form--vertical" name="login" method="POST" id="login" action="<%= xssAPI.getValidHref(urlLogin) %>" novalidate="novalidate">

474:                                 <input type="hidden" name="_charset_" value="UTF-8">

475:                                 <input type="hidden" name="errorMessage" value="<%= validReasons.get(REASON_KEY_INVALID_LOGIN) %>">

An error occurred at line: 532 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The method get(String, Class) in the type ValueMap is not applicable for the arguments (String, boolean)

529:                     <coral-alert-content><%= reason %></coral-alert-content>

530:                 </coral-alert>

531:                 <% } else { %>

532:                 <% String autocomplete = cfg.get("box/autocomplete", false) ? "on" : "off" ; %>

533:                 <form class="coral-Form coral-Form--vertical" name="login" method="POST" id="login" action="<%= xssAPI.getValidHref(urlLogin) %>" novalidate="novalidate">

534:                     <input type="hidden" name="_charset_" value="UTF-8">

535:                     <input type="hidden" name="errorMessage" value="<%= validReasons.get(REASON_KEY_INVALID_LOGIN) %>">

An error occurred at line: 588 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to ProductInfoProvider

585:     <div class="legal-footer"><%

586:         // Footer: default copyright (removable)

587:         if (cfg.containsKey("footer/copy/text")) {

588:             ProductInfoProvider productInfoProvider = sling.getService(ProductInfoProvider.class);

589:             String year = productInfoProvider == null ? null : productInfoProvider.getProductInfo().getYear();

590:             if (year == null) {

591:                 year = String.valueOf(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR));

An error occurred at line: 593 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to String

590:             if (year == null) {

591:                 year = String.valueOf(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR));

592:             }

593:             String text = cfg.get("footer/copy/text","");

594:             %><span><%= xssAPI.encodeForHTML(i18n.getVar(text, "{0} is the product year", year)) %></span><%

595:         }

596:         %><ul id="usage-box"><%

An error occurred at line: 594 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The method getVar(String, String, Object[]) in the type I18n is not applicable for the arguments (String, String, String)

591:                 year = String.valueOf(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR));

592:             }

593:             String text = cfg.get("footer/copy/text","");

594:             %><span><%= xssAPI.encodeForHTML(i18n.getVar(text, "{0} is the product year", year)) %></span><%

595:         }

596:         %><ul id="usage-box"><%


An error occurred at line: 600 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater


598:             // Footer: dynamic items (config/footer/items)

599:             if (configs.getChild("footer/items") != null) {

600:                 Iterator<Resource> footerItems = configs.getChild("footer/items").listChildren();

601:                 while (footerItems.hasNext()) {

602:                     %>

603:                     <li><%

An error occurred at line: 605 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The method getVar(String) in the type I18n is not applicable for the arguments (T)

602:                     %>

603:                     <li><%

604:                     String itemName = footerItems.next().getName();

605:                     String href = i18n.getVar(cfg.get("footer/items/" + itemName + "/href", String.class));

606:                     if (href != null) {

607:                         %><a href="<%= xssAPI.getValidHref(href) %>"><%

608:                     }


org.apache.sling.scripting.jsp.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:

An error occurred at line: 267 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to String

264:     }


266:     private String getText(ValueMap cfg, I18n i18n, String name, String defaultText) {

267:         String text = cfg.get(name, String.class);

268:         return text != null ? i18n.getVar(text) : defaultText;

269:     }


An error occurred at line: 282 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater

279:         Resource configRoot = null;

280:         if (configs != null) {

281:             long maxOrder = Long.MIN_VALUE;

282:             for (Iterator&lt;Resource&gt; cfgs = configs.listChildren() ; cfgs.hasNext() ; ) {

283:                 Resource cfg = cfgs.next();

284:                 ValueMap props = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(cfg);

285:                 Long order = props.get(&quot;order&quot;, Long.class);

An error occurred at line: 285 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to Long

282:             for (Iterator&lt;Resource&gt; cfgs = configs.listChildren() ; cfgs.hasNext() ; ) {

283:                 Resource cfg = cfgs.next();

284:                 ValueMap props = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(cfg);

285:                 Long order = props.get(&quot;order&quot;, Long.class);

286:                 if (order != null) {

287:                     if (order &gt; maxOrder) {

288:                         configRoot = cfg;

An error occurred at line: 287 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The operator &gt; is undefined for the argument type(s) Long, long

284:                 ValueMap props = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(cfg);

285:                 Long order = props.get(&quot;order&quot;, Long.class);

286:                 if (order != null) {

287:                     if (order &gt; maxOrder) {

288:                         configRoot = cfg;

289:                         maxOrder = order;

290:                     }

An error occurred at line: 289 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Long to long

286:                 if (order != null) {

287:                     if (order &gt; maxOrder) {

288:                         configRoot = cfg;

289:                         maxOrder = order;

290:                     }

291:                 }

292:             }

An error occurred at line: 343 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The method getRequestSpecificAPI(SlingHttpServletRequest) is undefined for the type ServiceType

340:         i18n = new I18n(slingRequest);

341:     }


343:     final XSSAPI xssAPI = sling.getService(XSSAPI.class).getRequestSpecificAPI(slingRequest);

344:     final UserManagementService userManagementService = sling.getService(UserManagementService.class);

345:     final ValueMap cfg = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(configs);


An error occurred at line: 344 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to UserManagementService

341:     }


343:     final XSSAPI xssAPI = sling.getService(XSSAPI.class).getRequestSpecificAPI(slingRequest);

344:     final UserManagementService userManagementService = sling.getService(UserManagementService.class);

345:     final ValueMap cfg = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(configs);


347:     final String authType = request.getAuthType();

An error occurred at line: 352 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater

349:     final String contextPath = slingRequest.getContextPath();


351:     // used to map readable reason codes to valid reason messages to avoid phishing attacks through j_reason param

352:     Map&lt;String,String&gt; validReasons = new HashMap&lt;String, String&gt;();

353:     validReasons.put(REASON_KEY_INVALID_LOGIN, printProperty(cfg, i18n, xssAPI, &quot;box/invalidLoginText&quot;, i18n.get(&quot;User name and password do not match&quot;)));

354:     validReasons.put(REASON_KEY_SESSION_TIMED_OUT, printProperty(cfg, i18n, xssAPI, &quot;box/sessionTimedOutText&quot;, i18n.get(&quot;Session timed out, please login again&quot;)));

355:     // load custom error types

An error occurred at line: 352 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater

349:     final String contextPath = slingRequest.getContextPath();


351:     // used to map readable reason codes to valid reason messages to avoid phishing attacks through j_reason param

352:     Map&lt;String,String&gt; validReasons = new HashMap&lt;String, String&gt;();

353:     validReasons.put(REASON_KEY_INVALID_LOGIN, printProperty(cfg, i18n, xssAPI, &quot;box/invalidLoginText&quot;, i18n.get(&quot;User name and password do not match&quot;)));

354:     validReasons.put(REASON_KEY_SESSION_TIMED_OUT, printProperty(cfg, i18n, xssAPI, &quot;box/sessionTimedOutText&quot;, i18n.get(&quot;Session timed out, please login again&quot;)));

355:     // load custom error types

An error occurred at line: 358 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater

355:     // load custom error types

356:     Resource errors = resource.getChild(&quot;errors&quot;);

357:     if (errors != null) {

358:         for (Iterator&lt;Resource&gt; customErrors = errors.listChildren() ; customErrors.hasNext() ; ) {

359:             Resource customError = customErrors.next();

360:             validReasons.put(customError.getName(), printProperty(customError.adaptTo(ValueMap.class), i18n, xssAPI, &quot;/text&quot;, i18n.get(&quot;Error&quot;)));

361:         }

An error occurred at line: 360 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The method printProperty(ValueMap, I18n, XSSAPI, String, String) in the type login_jsp is not applicable for the arguments (AdapterType, I18n, XSSAPI, String, String)

357:     if (errors != null) {

358:         for (Iterator&lt;Resource&gt; customErrors = errors.listChildren() ; customErrors.hasNext() ; ) {

359:             Resource customError = customErrors.next();

360:             validReasons.put(customError.getName(), printProperty(customError.adaptTo(ValueMap.class), i18n, xssAPI, &quot;/text&quot;, i18n.get(&quot;Error&quot;)));

361:         }

362:     }


An error occurred at line: 378 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater

375:         }

376:     }


378:     List&lt;String&gt; selectors = Arrays.asList(slingRequest.getRequestPathInfo().getSelectors());


380:     boolean isLogin = ! selectors.contains(CHANGE_PWD_SELECTOR);

381:     boolean isError = selectors.contains(ERROR_SELECTOR);

An error occurred at line: 391 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to ImsConfigProvider

388:     &lt;meta name=&quot;viewport&quot; content=&quot;width = device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no&quot;&gt;

389:     &lt;meta http-equiv=&quot;X-UA-Compatible&quot; content=&quot;chrome=1&quot; /&gt;


391:     &lt;% ImsConfigProvider imsConfigProvider = sling.getService(ImsConfigProvider.class);

392:         if (imsConfigProvider != null) {

393:             imsLoginUrl = imsConfigProvider.getImsLoginUrl();

394:             %&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;granite.login.imsLoginUrl&quot; content=&quot;&lt;%= xssAPI.getValidHref(imsLoginUrl) %&gt;&quot;&gt;&lt;%

An error occurred at line: 402 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to HtmlLibraryManager

399:     &lt;title&gt;&lt;%= printProperty(cfg, i18n, xssAPI, &quot;title&quot;, i18n.get(&quot;Adobe Experience Cloud&quot;)) %&gt;&lt;/title&gt;

400:     &lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;

401:         &lt;%

402:             HtmlLibraryManager htmlMgr = sling.getService(HtmlLibraryManager.class);

403:             HtmlLibrary lib = htmlMgr.getLibrary(LibraryType.CSS, &quot;/libs/granite/core/content/login/clientlib&quot;);

404:             IOUtils.copy(lib.getInputStream(true), out, &quot;utf-8&quot;);

405:         %&gt;

An error occurred at line: 409 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The method getValidHref(String) in the type XSSAPI is not applicable for the arguments (T)

406:     &lt;/style&gt;

407:     &lt;ui:includeClientLib categories=&quot;coralui3&quot; /&gt;

408:     &lt;%

409:         String favicon = xssAPI.getValidHref(cfg.get(&quot;favicon&quot;, &quot;login/adobe-logo.png&quot;));

410:         favicon = xssAPI.getValidHref(favicon);

411:     %&gt;

412:     &lt;link rel=&quot;shortcut icon&quot; href=&quot;&lt;%= favicon %&gt;&quot; type=&quot;image/png&quot;&gt;

An error occurred at line: 444 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The method getVar(String) in the type I18n is not applicable for the arguments (T)

441:             &lt;/div&gt;

442:             &lt;p&gt;

443:                 &lt;%= printProperty(cfg, i18n, xssAPI, &quot;box/text&quot;, i18n.get(&quot;All the tools you need to solve these complex digital business challenges.&quot;)) %&gt;

444:                 &lt;a class=&quot;coral-Link&quot; id=&quot;learnmore&quot; href=&quot;&lt;%= xssAPI.getValidHref(i18n.getVar(cfg.get(&quot;box/learnMore/href&quot;, &quot;#&quot;))) %&gt;&quot; x-cq-linkchecker=&quot;skip&quot;&gt;&lt;%= printProperty(cfg, i18n, xssAPI, &quot;box/learnMore/text&quot;, i18n.get(&quot;Learn More&quot;)) %&gt;&lt;/a&gt;

445:             &lt;/p&gt;

446:         &lt;/div&gt;


An error occurred at line: 472 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The method get(String, Class) in the type ValueMap is not applicable for the arguments (String, boolean)

469:                                 &lt;coral-alert-content&gt;&lt;%= reason %&gt;&lt;/coral-alert-content&gt;

470:                             &lt;/coral-alert&gt;

471:                             &lt;% } else { %&gt;

472:                             &lt;% String autocomplete = cfg.get(&quot;box/autocomplete&quot;, false) ? &quot;on&quot; : &quot;off&quot; ; %&gt;

473:                             &lt;form class=&quot;coral-Form coral-Form--vertical&quot; name=&quot;login&quot; method=&quot;POST&quot; id=&quot;login&quot; action=&quot;&lt;%= xssAPI.getValidHref(urlLogin) %&gt;&quot; novalidate=&quot;novalidate&quot;&gt;

474:                                 &lt;input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;_charset_&quot; value=&quot;UTF-8&quot;&gt;

475:                                 &lt;input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;errorMessage&quot; value=&quot;&lt;%= validReasons.get(REASON_KEY_INVALID_LOGIN) %&gt;&quot;&gt;

An error occurred at line: 532 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The method get(String, Class) in the type ValueMap is not applicable for the arguments (String, boolean)

529:                     &lt;coral-alert-content&gt;&lt;%= reason %&gt;&lt;/coral-alert-content&gt;

530:                 &lt;/coral-alert&gt;

531:                 &lt;% } else { %&gt;

532:                 &lt;% String autocomplete = cfg.get(&quot;box/autocomplete&quot;, false) ? &quot;on&quot; : &quot;off&quot; ; %&gt;

533:                 &lt;form class=&quot;coral-Form coral-Form--vertical&quot; name=&quot;login&quot; method=&quot;POST&quot; id=&quot;login&quot; action=&quot;&lt;%= xssAPI.getValidHref(urlLogin) %&gt;&quot; novalidate=&quot;novalidate&quot;&gt;

534:                     &lt;input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;_charset_&quot; value=&quot;UTF-8&quot;&gt;

535:                     &lt;input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;errorMessage&quot; value=&quot;&lt;%= validReasons.get(REASON_KEY_INVALID_LOGIN) %&gt;&quot;&gt;

An error occurred at line: 588 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to ProductInfoProvider

585:     &lt;div class=&quot;legal-footer&quot;&gt;&lt;%

586:         // Footer: default copyright (removable)

587:         if (cfg.containsKey(&quot;footer/copy/text&quot;)) {

588:             ProductInfoProvider productInfoProvider = sling.getService(ProductInfoProvider.class);

589:             String year = productInfoProvider == null ? null : productInfoProvider.getProductInfo().getYear();

590:             if (year == null) {

591:                 year = String.valueOf(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR));

An error occurred at line: 593 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to String

590:             if (year == null) {

591:                 year = String.valueOf(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR));

592:             }

593:             String text = cfg.get(&quot;footer/copy/text&quot;,&quot;&quot;);

594:             %&gt;&lt;span&gt;&lt;%= xssAPI.encodeForHTML(i18n.getVar(text, &quot;{0} is the product year&quot;, year)) %&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;%

595:         }

596:         %&gt;&lt;ul id=&quot;usage-box&quot;&gt;&lt;%

An error occurred at line: 594 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The method getVar(String, String, Object[]) in the type I18n is not applicable for the arguments (String, String, String)

591:                 year = String.valueOf(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR));

592:             }

593:             String text = cfg.get(&quot;footer/copy/text&quot;,&quot;&quot;);

594:             %&gt;&lt;span&gt;&lt;%= xssAPI.encodeForHTML(i18n.getVar(text, &quot;{0} is the product year&quot;, year)) %&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;%

595:         }

596:         %&gt;&lt;ul id=&quot;usage-box&quot;&gt;&lt;%


An error occurred at line: 600 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater


598:             // Footer: dynamic items (config/footer/items)

599:             if (configs.getChild(&quot;footer/items&quot;) != null) {

600:                 Iterator&lt;Resource&gt; footerItems = configs.getChild(&quot;footer/items&quot;).listChildren();

601:                 while (footerItems.hasNext()) {

602:                     %&gt;

603:                     &lt;li&gt;&lt;%

An error occurred at line: 605 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp

The method getVar(String) in the type I18n is not applicable for the arguments (T)

602:                     %&gt;

603:                     &lt;li&gt;&lt;%

604:                     String itemName = footerItems.next().getName();

605:                     String href = i18n.getVar(cfg.get(&quot;footer/items/&quot; + itemName + &quot;/href&quot;, String.class));

606:                     if (href != null) {

607:                         %&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;&lt;%= xssAPI.getValidHref(href) %&gt;&quot;&gt;&lt;%

608:                     }

ApacheSling/2.6 (jetty/9.3.22.v20171030, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 10.0.1, Mac OS X 10.13.4 x86_64)

1 Reply


Level 1

The issue was JDK version, I was using 10, needed 8