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Enhanced Managed Publication Capabilities for Content Fragments



Zusammenfassung der Funktionsverbesserungsanfrage (RFE):

Make Managed Publication working for Content Fragments as it is working already for AEM Sites for References. 

Anwendungsfall: Managed Publication for Content Fragments 
Aktuelles/erlebtes Verhalten: References can't be controlled in a meaningful way for Content Fragments. Modified & unpublished References are just published as part of the Managed Publication without any control about it. 
Verbessertes/erwartetes Verhalten: Managed Publication for Content Fragments is expected to work as in AEM Sites, incl. enhanced filter possibilities. 
Umgebungsdetails (AEM-Version/Service Pack, ggf. weitere Angaben): AEMaaCS 
Name des Kunden/der Organisation: Accenture PLC für smart Europe GmbH
Screenshot (sofern zutreffend):

AEM Sites Dialog for MP.pngAEM Assets Dialog for MP.png

Code-Paket (sofern zutreffend):  





Thanks for proposing this idea
This has been reported to the engineering under the internal reference SITES-12887. The product team will triage this request to verify feasibility based on the prioritization model. This post will be updated according to the Jira request status.
Status changed to: Investigating




@Thomas_Poellinger, In the new Content Fragment UI (Cloud Service), users can filter by "modified", "published", "draft" and other states, bulk-select filter results, and publish. 

Status changed to: Delivered