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Creating an adaptive form using XML schema and applying custom theme to it in CRXDE Lite


Level 1

Good day,

I'm new to AEM Forms and would like to know how to create an adaptive form using an XML schema and also create a custom theme/style which I would then apply to my form. I've done a bit of this on the Author instance but feel that it's restrictive as I can only view the CSS and not change it.

Can I do all this on the CRXDE Lite? If so, how?



4 Replies


Employee Advisor

you do not need to go into crx de lite

create your schema 

go the Forms and Documents

upload your schema

then create Adaptive Forms and select the uploaded schema from the form model tab

About themes - you can use out of the box themes and associate them with the form. if you need to create your own theme, you may make a copy of existing theme and paste it in a newly created folder and style the theme to your requirements


Level 1

Thanks for the reply, I thought the crxde lite was meant to be a developer's tool which means it should be possible to perform whatever task one is able to do on the Author on the crx de lite. So I guess my question then is, what should the crx de lite be used for?


Level 3

Hello lmorule,

For AEM 6.2:

To create an adaptive form using an XML schema, you may refer to [0] & [1].

For creating theme, you may refer to [2].

[0] https://helpx.adobe.com/aem-forms/6-2/creating-adaptive-form.html

[1] https://helpx.adobe.com/aem-forms/6-2/adaptive-form-xml-schema-form-model.html 

[2] https://helpx.adobe.com/aem-forms/6-2/themes.html