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Scene7Service API | search asset by metadata


Level 4


I am using AEM 6.1 + SP1 and trying to implement a service which searches scene7 asset by metadata.


in pom.xml, I have the dependency







in the service

. . . .


S7Service s7Service;

MetadataCondition metadataCondition = new MetadataCondition("name", 4, "s7-asset-name");

MetadataCondition[] conditions = {metadataCondition};

List<Scene7Asset> scene7Assets = null;

scene7Assets = s7Service.searchAssetsByMetadata("S7DAMFolder/", false, assetTypes, assetSubTypes, true, conditions, s7Config);

the issue here is MetadataCondition is a class in Private-packages (MANIFEST.MF) and I need this class in my bundle.

The question here is If the API needs the user to pass MetadataCondition as an argument, why it is in private-package?


Radha Krishna N

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