Each week on Twitter, @AdobeMktgCloud asks several questions to the community. Responses are transcribed here to facilitate further discussion. The following is question 1 asked Oct 19 2016:
How do you see digital experiences changing in the future? What will facilitate these changes?
Michael Halbrook @Halbrook
More/most digital experiences will be personalized & 1:1. Tech & location awareness will allow for this.
Loni Stark @lonistark
See digital & physical experience continue to blur. Connected devices #IoT #AR #VR & desire for heightened experience.
Christopher Thames @ChrisThames29
Where do I start? Virtual Reality, AI integration, self-driving cars, the hyperloop, Mars tours, etc.
Venture @VentureComms
Digital experiences need to become more visually immersive. We're getting there with the rise in VR, AR, and livestream.
David Daniels @EmailDaniels
They will be hyper relevant and personalized. This will be driven by Identity Management, People Based Marketing.
David Cooperstein @minicooper
Digital experiences will become more than just web/mobile/screen driven. They are going to enhance offline through many "interfaces".
Jennifer Baker @JenniferBakerCo
Digital experiences HAVE changed the future.
R2integrated @R2integrated
Consumer tech always drives change in UX. Big question right now is whether or not VR/AR manages to find a stable audience.
Rina Popat @RinaSPopat
Users are becoming more savvy to their experience. Orgs need to enhance the way users interact with content.
Ken Burbary @kenburbary
Experiences will continue to improve via personalization, data integration that gives greater context and optimal outcomes.
Cory Edwards @coryedwards
The future of digital experiences will be in a world where personalization meets relevance & need for customers.
Pernille Korzon @PernilleKorzon
More Customer journey demands know-how will be more demanding on peer-2-peer knowledge sharing.
What are your thoughts on this question? If you didn't have an opportunity to respond on Twitter, please share your thoughts here!