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Company Wide Email Change


Level 2


Looking for some help. Our companies email address is changing across the company (some 12K employees). We have 900+ users of the Adobe Experience Cloud and have concerns how users will affected.

Does any one have any experience of such a change? We have concerns that users will lose their work associated with their accounts such as dashboards in analytics, workflows in campaigns etc. Want make sure that people have the same access they previously.

Wondered if anyone could give some insights on how we should approach this?

Thank you.

1 Accepted Solution


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Great to hear from you. So the way that we at Adobe hold this information. Its held in seperate from the Cloud database. So on the surface it looks all in the same spot but for Analytics all of the reports, dashboards and all that are held separate. All that really is a symbolic link at the top level. So no you wont lose anything if you do it that way. Its a good question though.

What do you mean when you say we need to "unhook" their account?

As I explained to both about how they are held in separate DBs its effectively unhooking the IMS Org part or as you see it the "Cloud" from Analytics. We basically go in and remove that user from the Cloud which removes them from logging in. But it doesn't take down the Analytics account until the Admins in Analytics do something with it. So the account is just sitting there. Which means Admin in Analytics can then go into Admin in Analytics and use the Users section update the user account on that individual account save it and then reupload the user with that new email to the Cloud and it will auto detect that it has a user with that email address and connect up the account.

- User email address associated with the Analytics accounts would have to be updated by the Admins? Where would we do this?

CSV file through Admin console in the adminconsole.adobe.com (Experience Cloud Admin area) Pull down the list export it out of those users which unhooks it with the current. Make the changes in Analytics as I mentioned above then re-upload the same list but changing the Email field column to the new email address.

- If we load users back into the cloud user their new email addresses would this not mean mean we would lose thier data?

Nope! Just replacing the links.

We are doing this for all the products in the experience cloud: target, audience manager, analytics and campaign. Would this be the same for all of the products?

If this is going to be for Target, Audience Manager and Campaign I would suggest removing the users making the changes to the users in the CSV file and then re-upload no need to drill into the tool for each of these other products. Target is built directly into the Cloud, Campaign shouldn't require this nor should Audience Manager.

Let me know if you have any other questions.



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8 Replies


Employee Advisor

Hi markg79124623​,

There won't be any effect/impact on the work associated to the Analytics account; they will be intact. The new email addresses can still be associated to the existing Analytics account - if the new email address is different than the one used in user accounts in Analytics, it might require some manual help from Adobe - and it will be a long process (updating 900+ users will take a lot of time).

The only work in these scenario is to get the emails of those large number of users updated in the Admin Console - you may want to bulk upload the users with new email. And then get their Analytics accounts linked - and then delete existing ones from Admin Console.


Employee Advisor

The above context is regarding Federated IDs. Adobe IDs should be easy comparatively.


Level 2

Thank you.

Given a hypothetical scenario if someone email was changing this Friday morning and we went into the Admin Console and Changed their email and username (which should be good for all the products they have assigned) would this still mean that they have access to everything.

As the email would have updated (when they sign on via Federated ID) the account should still be associated with the same account as the credentials have been manually changed to the new email address.

Does this make sense. We are going to test this but was curious if this was the same steps you advising on following.

Thank you.




This is Kerry Nelson from Platform Support. I am a SME on SSO for the Experience Cloud and on User permissions. So given what you describe here sounds like its a two fold process. So for users that exist in the Cloud we would have to unhook the accounts by removing the users from the Admin console, first then what would once the users are removed from the Admin console the User email address associated with the Analytics accounts would have to be updated by the Admins. I would suggest we do this in batches just for the number of users we are dealing with. Then upload the users back to the Cloud using the new email accounts. What this will do is it will auto reconnect the account back to Analytics. Nothing in the process would cause loss of any reports or dashboards. At the time of upload we can also upload the users back as Federated IDs at this point. Let me know if you have any addition questions or you need time on my calendar to discuss.


Kerry Nelson

Kerry Nelson |Global Lead, Customer Care|Customer & Employee Experience | Adobe


Level 2

Kerry thank you for your response. I have a few questions. I guess I am confused as it seems like we removing a user from the console wouldn't this mean they would lose all of their information? :

- What do you mean when you say we need to "unhook" their account?

- User email address associated with the Analytics accounts would have to be updated by the Admins? Where would we do this?

- If we load users back into the cloud user their new email addresses would this not mean mean we would lose thier data? We are doing this for all the products in the experience cloud: target, audience manager, analytics and campaign. Would this be the same for all of the products?

- How would we update a federated ID?

Thank you for your help.


Correct answer by


Great to hear from you. So the way that we at Adobe hold this information. Its held in seperate from the Cloud database. So on the surface it looks all in the same spot but for Analytics all of the reports, dashboards and all that are held separate. All that really is a symbolic link at the top level. So no you wont lose anything if you do it that way. Its a good question though.

What do you mean when you say we need to "unhook" their account?

As I explained to both about how they are held in separate DBs its effectively unhooking the IMS Org part or as you see it the "Cloud" from Analytics. We basically go in and remove that user from the Cloud which removes them from logging in. But it doesn't take down the Analytics account until the Admins in Analytics do something with it. So the account is just sitting there. Which means Admin in Analytics can then go into Admin in Analytics and use the Users section update the user account on that individual account save it and then reupload the user with that new email to the Cloud and it will auto detect that it has a user with that email address and connect up the account.

- User email address associated with the Analytics accounts would have to be updated by the Admins? Where would we do this?

CSV file through Admin console in the adminconsole.adobe.com (Experience Cloud Admin area) Pull down the list export it out of those users which unhooks it with the current. Make the changes in Analytics as I mentioned above then re-upload the same list but changing the Email field column to the new email address.

- If we load users back into the cloud user their new email addresses would this not mean mean we would lose thier data?

Nope! Just replacing the links.

We are doing this for all the products in the experience cloud: target, audience manager, analytics and campaign. Would this be the same for all of the products?

If this is going to be for Target, Audience Manager and Campaign I would suggest removing the users making the changes to the users in the CSV file and then re-upload no need to drill into the tool for each of these other products. Target is built directly into the Cloud, Campaign shouldn't require this nor should Audience Manager.

Let me know if you have any other questions.




Level 1




Any other questions that I can answer for you on this? Let me know if you would like to discuss over the phone. Send me a direct message happen to jump on a call with you and answer any additional questions or concerns that you have.

