Hi Team, We are getting an error while creating the new campaign in ACC. The campaign will be created in the background but we are getting an error message as well. Do we have any workaround to fix this issue ?
Hi there, How can I fetch the recipients' open and click percentages where the record create date in a certain schema (linked with the recipient) is within the last 30 days? I attempted using the Targeting and Filtering dimension as Delivery, but it only provides the number of emails sent on a parti...
Hi team, I have a ask where i need a javaScript which can check if a list is updated today (modified today) or not, let me know if anyone have any lead on this?Thanks in advance. Regards,
Hi, a webapp that we use to download the client console is not working for our customers but is working fine for me. How to troubleshoot this issue? Thanks
Hi there, I am creating a report with the targeting and filtering dimensions set to Delivery, aiming to obtain the counts of successful emails, opens, and clicks from indicators However, I specifically want to see the opens and clicks for data where the rec_create_date from another table is within t...
Hi, I've removed some fields from our recipients extension.Just deleted the attributes from the XML, but when trying to Update DataBase structure, the table Nms:recipients appeared gray, indicating it doesn't need to be upgraded. The extension abc:recipients doesn't appear on the Update DataBase to...
Hi, I've added a new field to our recipients extension: abc:Recipients. however, it doesn't appear in the Profile & Targets -> Recipient section.It does appear the field appears on the schemas section. So it was added to the table.Why? and hwo to solve this? Than you.
Finding this Oracle error when launching Push delivery (both IOs or Android).The error "AM ORA-210000 Oracle error: ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification" log shows when "recipient(s) match segmentation criteria " happens.Haven't found the root cause nor info av...
Hi, I have created new schemas in Adobe sandbox the schemas seems fine, but once after trying to update Database structure getting the following error Can anybody help me understand the error and find solution for it Regards