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Data is sent to the wrong Report Suite


Level 1

Currently the Adobe Analytics data from my live webpage is sent to the dev report suite. I have the prod Report Suite configured in Adobe Analytics and Data Collection. How can I make the data from my live webpage be sent to the prod report suite?

2 Replies


Level 10


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Did you check that the Launch file add to the site is the Production script (and not the dev or staging script)??


The file names are very distinct... in your browser's network panel, filter for "launch"


If the file has "launch-[UniquePropertyId]-develoment.min.js" or  "launch-[UniquePropertyId]-staging.min.js", then the wrong file was deployed to your production site. Production files should just be "launch-[UniquePropertyId].min.js"



If the file looks correct, then you must have configured your Adobe Analytics extension incorrectly, though you said this is correct.. but I am adding here for other people who may have the same issue:




It seems likely however, in your case that your developers deployed the wrong code to production.

We used to have that happen periodically... until we worked with our devops team to create a configuration store that would set values by environment.. this meant that any values for analytics, or for API connections, or anything that the developers needed to reference differently based on the environment would be managed at a higher level.. one that wouldn't need to be manually updated as part of the deployment, that configuration keys would automatically load the correct variations.


That however, doesn't help you now....


If you have to wait for a deployment window, you could in theory update your Dev suite to be "Prod" as a temp solution until the correct Launch file is deployed.. however, this will mean that you will have to halt Dev work in case you break something, and every push to your Dev environment will now be "live"... well it likely already is....