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Analysis Workspace - Assigning a default available report suite on the analysis workspace dashboard


Level 1


Description - Assigning a default dynamic report suite on the analysis workspace dashboard, for the cases if the user viewing doesn't have access to the default report suite configured.  

Why is this feature important to you - It allows to prevent creating 1000+ views of the same dashboard for the case where a of users have access to a subset of data and would like to view these subsets of data dynamically based on their assigned roles.


How would you like the feature to work ---> When a user views a dashboard and he doesn't have access to the default report suite set when the dashboard is created. Default to a reportsuite that the user has available. 


Current Behaviour - When a user views a dashboard and he doesn't have access to the default report suite set when the dashboard is created. Default to "Unknown Report suite"






Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


I hear you on this... the problem is that most organizations will have very different suites... a general "default" suite probably wouldn't work for most people... and could cause more confusion....


Say if the default suite was using eVar1 for something different that the suite the report is looking for (maybe there's a segment trying to filter out data based on some criteria)... user's may get the wrong information and start reporting on it.... since they wouldn't necessarily know that the intended suite wasn't available, and not be aware that the segment isn't working.


While the idea makes sense on the surface, I don't know if this would cause more harm than good.... It's probably safer to do the current behaviour and let people come to you and letting you know they don't have the proper access.


Level 1


@Jennifer_Dungan Thank you so much for the quick and detailed thoughts. Totally understand the use cases mentioned. It would have been great, if we could have a dynamic report suite assigning capability for a dashboard based on the user roles/user profiles. This may also help avoid creating 1000 of copies of the same dashboard, as the user/users may want to see a different report suite/virtual reportsuite data


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


@abrahameasok not sure if this would work for you... but for some of my reports that are based off of a global suite / multiple virtual suite format.


(i.e. I have a global suite that covers 30+ websites, some people want to see the entire network of these sites, others are interested in just their one site)


I use Drop Down segments for the "site selector"....


The Report is built on the global suite, then I use a Drop Down labeled "Sites", and in this I add all 30+ site specific segments.


So people interested in Site A only have to choose that site and the report updates to reflect their selection... Maybe there are people interested in a few sites based on the fact that they manage a larger region, I can create a segment for the drop down containing Site A, B and C that they can use.


Since the report is based on the global suite, and the virtual suites that I have use these same segments, the data is the same if they change the suite, or use the drop down, but the drop down is a lot easier and quicker....


Of course, this only works if those users have the permission to see the entire global suite..... If users only have access to Site A this would still be a problem for you... 


I mean, I am just another user.. Adobe may still think this idea is worth investigating.. I am just concerned that the logistics of this to work for a lot of people could make this a bit of a hard sell.....


Level 1


Thank you @Jennifer_Dungan for all the feedbacks and detailed solutions. You are correct, we do not want to show everyone all data. So dropdown of segments wont work for this case. So for our case, we have created virtual report suite from the global report suite of all data and permissions are granted to certain group of users to virtual report suite only. So as the dashboard report suites cannot be configured based on user roles, it is defaulting to Global report suite or any one report suite which is configured for the dashboard. So if a user that doesn't have access to the global reportsuite comes in, he is shown with the unknown report suite message. 


Our proposal was to have a report suite selected based on the user role viewing the dashboard. This would solve the case of creating 1000+ dashboard for the different user groups. I know the ask is little high, lets see if that helps any other customers including myself to solve these complex use cases


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


Well it certainly is an interesting concept... maybe this feature could work if it's just based on the global/virtual suite architecture... as in, you can't choose ANY suite... but you can choose per user a default "child virtual suite"... so it's a little bit of a modification on the original ask, but would ensure report integrity.


For that, I will give you an upvote, good luck.